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Simulation software for microstructure evolution

The aim of DIGIMU® is to propose an industrial solution for simulating microstructure changes, at the mesoscopic scale and on Representative Elementary Volumes (REVs), during metal forming processes.

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Grain growth




Hardening, recovering


Nucleation, nuclei growth

Software derived from Research

DIGIMU® is the result of research projects conducted for more than ten years at the CEMEF (Material Forming Center) in collaboration with many industrial stakeholders from the metallurgy, aeronautics and nuclear sectors. The two pillars of DIGIMU® software development are the extensive experimental work and the constant improvement of existing numerical methods, which allow CEMEF to be at the forefront of world research in the field.

Microscopy of a nickel-based alloy carried out by the MSR group, CEMEF MINES Paris-Tech

The full-field approach

The full-field approach proposed by DIGIMU® has two main objectives:

  • To simulate local and heterogeneous phenomena that are undetectable to larger order models
  • To improve medium-field models used for industrial part-scale simulations

DIGIMU® generates digital polycrystalline microstructures representative of the material's heterogeneities (compliance with the topological characteristics of the microstructure). The boundary conditions applied to the REV are representative of that experienced by a material point at the macroscopic scale (thermomechanical cycle of the considered point). Based on a Finite Elements formulation, the various physical phenomena involved during metal forming processes are simulated (recrystallization, grain growth, Zener pinning due to second phase particles, etc.).




  • Unique AAA remeshing (automatic - adaptive – anisotropic)
  • Modelling of dynamic (DRX), post-dynamic (PDRX) and static (SRX) recrystallization phenomena
  • Polycrystal deformation
  • Recovery of the thermomechanical paths of the simulation
  • 3D simulations
  • Intuitive graphical user interface 
  • High parallel computing compatibility
  • User routines to define your own hardening, recovery or nucleation laws
  • Coupling with FORGE® software: using FORGE® sensors to feed DIGIMU® simulations and analyze the evolution of the microstructure in the critical points
  • Fully parallelized calculations: like all other TRANSVALOR software, DIGIMU® is built around an optimized high-performance architecture capable of running on one or more cores in order to guarantee maximum processing power.



Model precipitates evolution and address thermomechanical processes close to solvus temperatures
In the previous version of DIGIMU®, second phase particles (SPP) were described as holes in the microstructure without considering hypotheses on their size, morphology, interface energies with grains, or their dragging force. However, SPP are subject to several diffusive mechanisms, such as precipitation/dissolution or Ostwald ripening. In order to address this evolution, a new method implemented in DIGIMU®, relies on the Level-Set formalism to describe the particles boundaries similarly as the grain boundaries description. This method allows simulating the evolution of two distinct particle populations, by coupling it with grain growth, strain induced boundary migration, DRX, PDRX and SRX.

Anisotropic mesh adaptation used when no precipitation or nucleation occurs. Only the grain and particles boundaries are finely discretized.

Model CDRX, for example in aluminium alloys

In high stacking fault energy materials, the consideration of progressive formation and evolution of subgrains is essential. Dislocations could rearrange to form new low-angle grain boundaries (LAGB) or accumulate into preexisting LAGB. In the CDRX context, grain formation is induced by the progressive reorganization of dislocations into subgrains with a progressive increase in the misorientation angle between these subgrains. Based on the Gourdet-Montheillet model, incorporated to the LS-FE framework, a new full-field CDRX module was implemented in DIGIMU®. Now you can monitor recrystallization as your material deforms. You can also couple CDRX to an evolving population of SPP!


Other improvements

  • Better DRX simulations with improved grain size distributions and better post dynamic evolutions
  • New pre-processing tools to facilitate the coupling between FORGE® and DIGIMU®
  • Various visualization tools adapted to the new functionalities, as pole figures for orientations, particle size histograms, or data for advanced cross plots


Major future upgrades


In the short term:

A release of a patch in 2025, with new functionalities:
  • Solute Drag modelling, and improved austenitic stainless-steels materials in data base
  • In-718 material file extended to higher strain rates (100/s)
In the mid term (2027):
  • New NxT graphical interface
  • New extremely faster 2D solver
  • Modeling finer precipitates population
In the long term :
  • Solid-solid phase transformation
  • Crystal plasticity and/or auto coherent models

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DIGIMU® for the aerospace

Our software provides assistance in the development of high performance alloys and parts through the prediction of microstructural phenomena.


DIGIMU® for steelmaking

DIGIMU® allows to understand which metal alloys to use and the impact of the treatments applied to them.


DIGIMU® for the energy

Simulation helps to control industrial risks related to the microstructure of the materials and their applications.


Competitive advantages


Predicting grain growth

Anticipate your grains size driven by capillarity forces, and stored energy gradient at the interfaces.


Modeling hardening, recovery and recrystallization

Simulate polycrystal deformations, hardening and recovery, nucleation, and following nuclei growth. Follow static, dynamic and postdynamic recrystallization.

user routines

Integrating user routines

Import your models to define your own hardening, recovery and nucleation laws.


Support by our teams

Let’s work together hand in hand. DIGIMU® users get the support they need when using our software.


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